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Batavia ice hockey goes undefeated in preseason tourney

Batavia ice hockey goes undefeated in preseason tourney

"Hockey players have fire in their hearts and ice in their veins"


Morris Catholic High School is proud to announce the development of a new ice hockey program that will be up and running in the winter of 2016. Brian T. Deegan, who has extensive experience in business, finance and hockey, will be working with Athletic Director, William Schilling, to bring in an experienced head coach and coaching staff. “Our goal is to build a formidable program that will include a positive hockey culture, a solid coaching staff, and extensive training for the players, with a sound strategy”, says Schilling. “We want out student athletes to be a step above the rest, to excel in academics, personal values and hockey.”


The program will have an on campus synthetic ice rink for additional practice, as well as an ice treadmill for skate training and computer hockey programs. A complete coaching staff will be in place the beginning of March.
